Dodge Power Wagon 1978



16.500,00 - 19.500,00

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Kavelnummer: 165 - 23

Kaveltype: % BTW


Ophaaldag: Bekijk transportmogelijkheden

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The Dodge Power Wagon is a popular and iconic pickup truck that is part of Dodge's rich history. The model has its origins in the 1940s and was originally designed for military use during World War II. After the war, Dodge released the Power Wagon as a civilian version for the consumer market. One feature that set the Power Wagon apart was its four-wheel drive system. These trucks were ideal for off-road adventures and heavy-duty work, thanks to their robust powertrain and suspension. This Dodge features a powerful 5.2l V8 engine. It is a "flatbed" version. The car offered here is part of a private collection of 4x4s. The cars have been stationary for some time, but are in running condition as far as we know, unless otherwise indicated. To get a good impression of the lot we advise you to come to the viewing day.

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